Aether 1 6 4 – Log Ham Radio Transmissions Frequencies

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  • PSK31 Ham Radio Frequencies. One of the most frequented PSK31 frequencies is 14.070 kHz. However, you will also find PSK31 activity on the following HF ham radio frequencies: 3.580 MHz; 7.070 MHz; 10.140 MHz; 21.070 MHz; 28.120 MHz; Please note that the frequency displayed on your transceiver is the suppressed carrier frequency!
  • Many ham bands are found in the frequency range that goes from above the AM radio band (1.6 MHz) to just above the citizen's band (27 MHz). During daylight, 15 to 27 MHz is a good band for long-distance communications. At night, the band from 1.6 to 15 MHz is good for long-distance communications. Ham is strictly for non-commercial use.
  • Hello Restricted Welcome to RR & the WV Forum. For the WV State Police Elkins Detachment you will need to program in both the base freq. (42.0600) & the mobile freq. (42.3000) with no delay in your scanner in order to hear both sides of the transmission.

If you're new to ham radio, these articles contain information that new ham radio operators should keep handy while gathering experience. You'll find these references to be just what you need while learning to navigate the radio bands and make contacts. Bookmarking the websites in your web browser will help you while you're online, too.

Long Range Communications Using Ham Radios and Satellites. I was tinkering with my Baofeng radio today while doing some research on communications when I made a discovery. You can do Long Range Communications using Handheld Ham Radios and Satellites! As long as there are satellites orbiting the earth, you can communicate hundreds of miles using a handheld radio (HT).

Technician Class Frequency Privileges in Ham Radio


When you're getting started, remembering where you're allowed to operate is important. As a Technician licensee, you have free access to all amateur frequencies above 50 MHz, but what about on the shortwave high-frequency (HF) bands? This chart helps you follow the rules. A band-by-band plan showing where to find different types of activity is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).


When you're getting started, remembering where you're allowed to operate is important. As a Technician licensee, you have free access to all amateur frequencies above 50 MHz, but what about on the shortwave high-frequency (HF) bands? This chart helps you follow the rules. A band-by-band plan showing where to find different types of activity is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

BandFrequencies (In MHz)Modes You Can Use
80 meters3.525 – 3.600CW
40 meters7.025 – 7.125CW
15 meters21.025 – 21.200CW
10 meters28.000 – 28.300

28.300 – 28.500

CW, RTTY/data, 200 watts PEP maximum power

CW, phone, 200 watts PEP maximum power

Above 50 MHzAll amateur privileges

CW = Morse code; PEP = peak envelope power; RTTY = radioteletype. Snakeybus 1 0 download free.

General Class Frequency Privileges in Ham Radio

Soon, if you haven't done so already, you'll be thinking about upgrading. You have many more frequencies to use on the high-frequency (HF) bands, as shown in the following table. A complete chart of the U.S. frequency and mode privileges for all license classes is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

BandFrequencies (in MHz)Mode
160, 60, 30 metersAll amateur privileges
80 meters3.525–3.600CW, RTTY, data
3.800–4.000CW, phone, image
40 meters7.025–7.125CW, RTTY, data
7.175–7.300CW, phone, image
20 meters14.025–14.150CW, RTTY, data
14.225–14.350CW, phone, image
15 meters21.025–21.200CW, RTTY, data
21.275–21.450CW, phone, image
17, 12, 10 metersAll amateur privileges
Above 50 MHzAll amateur privileges

CW = Morse code; RTTY = radioteletype.

Common Ham Radio Q Signals

Hams use three-letter Q signals on every mode and even in face-to-face conversation. Here are the Q signals most commonly used in day-to-day operation. Each signal can be a question or an answer, as shown in the Meaning column. A complete list of ham radio Q signals, including those used on nets and repeaters, is available from the AC6V website.

Q SignalMeaning
QRLIs the frequency busy?
The frequency is busy. Please do not interfere.
QRMAbbreviation for interference from other signals.
QRNAbbreviation for interference from natural or human-made
QROShall I increase power?
Increase power.
QRPShall I decrease power?
Decrease power.
QRQShall I send faster?
Send faster (__words per minute [wpm]).
QRSShall I send more slowly?
Send more slowly (__wpm).
QRTShall I stop sending or transmitting?
Stop sending or transmitting.
QRUHave you anything more for me?
I have nothing more for you.
QRVAre you ready?
I am ready.
QRXStand by.
QRZWho is calling me?
QSBAbbreviation for signal fading.
QSLDid you receive and understand?
Received and understood.
QSOAbbreviation for a contact.
QSTGeneral call preceding a message addressed to all
QSXI am listening on ___ kHz.
QSYChange to transmission on another frequency (or to ___
QTHWhat is your location?
My location is ____.

Common Ham Radio Repeater Channel Spacings and Offsets

Until you become accustomed to using repeaters on all the different ham radio bands, this chart can help you remember the right offsets and channel spacings to use. Many radios have the standard options preprogrammed, but you need to be aware of what they should be.

BandOutput Frequencies of Each Group (In MHz)Offset from Output to Input Frequency
6 meters51.62 – 51.98

52.5 – 52.98

Jb4 software for mac. 53.5 – 53.98

– 500 kHz
2 meters (a mix of 20 kHz and 15 kHz channel spacing)145.2 – 145.5

146.61 – 146.97

147.00 – 147.39

– 600 kHz

– 600 kHz

+ 600 kHz

222 MHz or 1-1/4 meters223.85 – 224.98– 1.6 MHz
440 MHz or 70 cm (local options determine whether inputs are
above or below outputs)
442 – 445 (California repeaters start at 440 MHz)

447 – 450

+ 5 MHz

Diamond loopz bando kontakt download free. – 5 MHz

1296 MHz or 23 cm1282 – 1288

1290 – 1294

– 12 MHz

Your Ham Radio Go Kit

Would you be ready if a call came from your local public service group to provide some ham radio expertise for a day or so? Items in the following list are the basics of what should be in your radio go kit. Now is a good time to check your supplies and be prepared! Don't forget to put together a personal go kit, too.

  • Dual-band (VHF/UHF) handheld radio and mini manual

  • Full-size flexible whip antenna

  • Copy of your Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license and any public service group or government agency IDs
  • Mag-mount antenna with necessary adapters for connecting to various connectors

  • Extra battery packs and charger

  • AA-cell battery pack if available and fresh batteries

  • AC power supply and cigarette-plug cord with spare fuses

  • Headset with microphone (preferred) or speaker-mic

  • Copy of your local emcomm frequencies, phone numbers, and procedures

  • Pocket knife and/or multipurpose tool

  • Flashlight or headlamp and spare batteries

  • Pencil and notebook, clipboard, and permanent marker

  • Duct tape, electrical tape, and a few small cable ties

  • Cash for food, gas, and telephone calls (about $20 in small bills and change)

10 Handy Ham Radio Websites

The most common question asked by newcomers to ham radio is 'How do I…?' These ten websites are full of information that you can use as you try new things or hone your existing skills. Be sure to bookmark these pages in your home and mobile browsers.

WebsiteOrganization and Use
ARRLMany useful regulatory, educational, operating, and technical items and links
AC6V and DX ZoneGeneral-interest websites with many links on all phases of ham radio
QRZ.comCall sign lookup service and general-interest ham radio portal
eHam.netNews, articles, equipment swap-and-shop, product reviews, and mailing lists
Radiowave Propagation CenterReal-time information on propagation and solar data
Space Weather Prediction CenterReal-time information on space weather and radio communications
TAPRInformation on digital data modes and software-defined radio (SDR)
AMSATMain site for information on amateur satellites
WA7BNM Contest CalendarContest calendar and log due dates
YOTA (Youngsters On the Air)World-wide group for student and young adult hams, based in Europe
DXMAPS.comCollection of real-time maps showing worldwide activity on any amateur band
DX SummitWorldwide DX spotting network

Anders Östlund (SM0THU) has released a minor upgrade, version 3.3.1 of JT-Bridge.

JT-Bridge acts like a bridge between WSJT-X and your logging application. It features:

Aether 1 6 4 – Log Ham Radio Transmissions Frequencies Online

  • Displays CQs from WSJT-X
  • Double-click on a CQ to reply in WSJT-X
  • Check QSO and QSL status of calls, DXCC entities, CQ zone, ITU zone, State, IOTA, Grid and Continent in your logging application
  • Send logged QSOs from WSJT-X to your logging application
  • Support for Aether, MacLoggerDX and RUMlogNG logging applications
  • Send notifications to OS X Notification Center for unworked or unconfirmed items.
  • Send a notification to OS X Notification Center when you are called
  • Read transceiver frequency from your logging application
  • Set transceiver frequency via MacLoggerDX or RUMlogNG
  • Control the PTT via your logging application
  • QRZ or HamQTH call book lookup
  • Show LoTW and eQSL users
  • Show distance and bearing to CQ caller
  • Show information about the station worked with WSJT-X
  • Macro buttons with information about the station being worked
  • Mark CQs with strikethroughed text, if the CQ specifies a call area that you are not within.

Change log: Palace of chance review.

FIX: Reuse TCP sessions (max 6) for call book lookups
FIX: Preventing downloading identical internet files caused local file to be emptied in some cases.

Supported OS:

OS X 10.11 El Capitan and above

Aether 1 6 4 – Log Ham Radio Transmissions Frequencies Available

Tested with:

Aether 1 6 4 – Log Ham Radio Transmissions Frequencies Chart


Aether 1 6 4 – Log Ham Radio Transmissions Frequencies Near Me

Instructions on setting up and running JT-Bridgedocumentation page.As always, JT-Bridge can be downloaded free-of-charge here.

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